Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dance Dance Dance

Competition season has come and gone!  This was our first year and it was amazing.  We competed in 3 different competitions and did great in each.  We traveled to Athens, Atlanta and Chattanooga to compete and had a great time.  Taylor's company performed a jazz routine to 9 to 5 and a lyrical routine to Lightweight.  All of the companies performed a production number called Flamboyant.

Here were our results for the year:

Stage One:
Flamboyant:   1st place platinum and 1st overall
9 to 5:             1st place high gold and 5th overall
Lightweight:   1st place high gold and 4th overall

Star Systems:
Flamboyant:    1st place and 1st overall
9 to 5:              1st place
Lightweight:    1st place

Flamboyant:    1st place
9 to 5:               1st place, judges award "smiles for miles", 2nd place overall
Lightweight:     1st place, 1st place overall, Champions, Invite to New York City

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Never Trust a Weatherman!

So my Wednesday Wisdom ( a day late ) for this week....
Never Trust a Weatherman!
Once again we have been duped!
My kids heard the weather and was expecting snow.  No SNOW for us!  Just yucky Cold and very windy weather.  When we heard this earlier in the week we were in t-shirts and shorts.  My youngest had on sandals.  So for those of you up north enjoy your SNOW!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wisdom Wednesday: The boob tube :)

As the new year begins I have decided that every Wednesday I will share some sort of wisdom from us to you.  So here is the first one:

I remember growing up watching shows with my mom... 
Those shows were
1) Family Fued

2) Dallas

3) Star Search


5) The Cosby Show

6) Family Ties

Now that my children are older, they control the remote when my husband is not there.  The shows today are so different than they use to be.  During our Christmas Break several adults were talking about how shows have changed over the years.  We began this conversation with MTV as it is known now.  But there was a day when it was known as Music Television.  Yes and ALL they played was Music Videos, now they don't play videos at all.  The only thing you can find on MTV is some raunchy reality shows (EX: Jersey Shore).  The other night the kids and I were watching Family Fued together and it really HIT me how everything has changed.  As we were watching family fued the category was things Tarzan may do before bathing.  The answers given were so vulgur and the words used in the answers for this question and others were so embarrassing.  Here Adam and I sit watching this show with the kids and just look at each other and laugh when one of the answers pop up and it is " VA-JAY-JAY"  Really!!!!!  Do I need to explain this to my 8 year old over dinner.  I wanted to share with you some of the shows that we love and you can be judgemental over some but I do think that they are decent for your family to watch ( considering the options ).

1) Duck Dynasty
How can you argue with watching a show that ends every episode with a family dinner and prayer!

2) Once Upon A Time
We love the fact that ABC combined a fairy tale and a prime time show with magic, love and evil.

3) Dance Moms
Since the girls are so wrapped up into dancing how could we not watch this one.  We sit in amazement at the cruelty of the parents involved and Thank God that we don't have that where we take dance.

4) Toddler and Tiaras
With two girls the pageant world lights up there eyes.  The crowns and glitz and makeup and the whole 9 yards of the production of a pageant are so entertaining to little girls.  We may be criticzed for this one but we enjoy this show!

5) Honey Boo Boo
Yes I admit it.  My Family Watches Honey Boo Boo.  We fell in love with her when she premiered on Toddlers and Tiaras.  We were so excited when we found out she was getting her own show.  We tuned in and found out the little girl was actually from Macon, GA not far from us and it sucked us right in.  The craziness and all is like a huge magnet keeping us glued to our TV.

6) Dancing with the Stars
Did I mention we love to dance.  So this one is just a natural fit for our family

7) The Voice
We just began watching this one towards the end of the year.  We really enjoyed the competition and plan on watching the next season.

8) Anything Disney:
Does this one even need an explanantion?? 
Just thought I would share a few of our favorite shows.  Until next Wednesday Wisdom :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year ... New Outlook

As the New Year came and went I contemplated what our New Year's Resolutions would be.  Of course I want to lose weight, have more money, have a more organized house/life...  But what I truly feel will be my New Year Resolution will be a closer relationship with my family.  As I reflect on how fast we got here to 2013, it pucnhes me right between the eyes how FAST time has gone by.  Where is my sweet baby that rode her john deere tractor to her nana's house by herself?  What happened to my sweet baby that had to double fist her paci???  Too much precious time has been lost on things that don't matter.  So my resolution this year is to spend more Quality Time with my family!